Sebastian is a trail riders dream for anyone! Beer (or pop) in one hand reins in the other! Goes everywhere asking with no problems. Nothing bothers him, good with other livestock, traffic safe, not spooky, can use a mounting block to get on him, crosses logs, water, ditches, anything you ask him to do he does with no fuss.
He also is a very nice head horse in the area. Don't get hot in the box and comes out flat and good every time. And has done all types of ranch work from doctoring, gathering, sorting, and dragging to the fire.
Easy to catch, stands tied good, loves to be groomed, tacks up great, clips, loads, good for the farrier - vet, and bathes the very best.
If you are looking for a great trail horse, one to work your cattle, a safe horse for the kids, a nice rope horse to have fun on, or just an all-around mount. Sebastian checks all the boxes!
Passed a pre-purchase exam, he is 100% Sound, Has a Current health paper & Coggins, and Vaccinations and worming are up to date.